Регистриран на: 07 Jul 2022 Мнения: 12
Fri Dec 09, 2022 6:18 am |
What is the best fish feed? Is it floating or sinking fish food, or floating pellets? Which is better? The scene is very different. Experts disagree on whether floating pellets are better for fish. My personal experience is that the submersible type is the best, as goldfish are voracious pets and will eat anything they can get their hands on.
They end up sucking air out of their stomachs. They can get sick if they eat large meals. You will often see that their air sinuses become trapped in their faecal fluids. This is usually due to the goldfish contracting pertussis. My advice to goldfish owners has been to only use soaked food pellets.
However, unless your goldfish have any health issues or are sensitive to buoyancy, floating and sinking food should be fine. If you have fancy goldfish that are sensitive, soak the food in water before feeding. The water in dry food expands when it absorbs more water. Your goldfish's intestines could become clogged if they eat a pellet too soon. www.floatingfeedmachine.com |